First to bat...
1. Christmas is AFTER Thanksgiving. The end.
Now, if you know me, you know I L-O-V-E Christmas and all it's wonderful, magical glory. You can ask my husband and my family, I honestly lament the end of Christmas every. Single. Year. It's like I go into some sort of post-partum seasonal depression. Now, that being said, WHY ON EARTH ARE PEOPLE ALREADY DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS??? Did Thanksgiving already come and I missed it or something? That's right, I'm calling many of my friends out, and I don't even care. This is what keepin it real is about, y'all. In my Christmas loving mind, it has always been this unspoken rule that the holiday season doesn't begin until Black Friday, and then, you can do whatever you want! Put on the Pandora holiday station, set up that tree, pull out the tacky sweaters, put Elf on repeat, deck the halls in whatever you want, BECOME Clark Griswald, but not before Thanksgiving! I swear, I feel like it gets earlier and earlier every year. Before we know it, Halloween will be known as Pre-Christmas and Thanksgiving will be legally changed to Almost Christmas. I am no Scrooge. Just a stickler for dates and order of events. #RuleFollower #ItsNotChristmasYet
Which brings me to my next topic...
2. I love a #hashtag.
Whether used in various forms of social media, a blogpost, or a simple text with a friend, I love a hashtag. I know I'm like two years late on this trend (I live in Alabama...that's usually the way it goes), but I don't care. They make me laugh and I love it. The more ironic and inappropriately used, the better the hashtag. However, there are rules in my book one what makes a good hashtag a good hashtag. I hate a serious hashtag. Like one that's deep and passive aggressive. Ain't nobody got time for that! Hashtags are all about the laughs, folks! And the #overuse #of #hastags #is #so #incredibly #stupid. Is there a need to compartmentalize every word that you've ever typed in the history of the internet? Seriously, what's the point? In conclusions, hashtags are for laughing and not making people want to #punch you in your #face.
Now, this next one is one I have only ever confessed to my husband, and I gotta say, I'm a little nervous confessing it here, buuuut...
3. I don't actually like U2.
Like, at all. In fact, I kinda think Bono is d-bag. Oh my gaaaaaash, I can't believe I said that. I can literally feel some of you screaming at me through your screen. I know, I'm the worst! But really, I think they're the worst. I know as a Christian (and someone with good musical taste) I'm supposed to like them because Bono loves Jesus and all, but they just don't do it for me. All their songs sound the same to me and they're just boring. I feel like I'm committing mortal musical sin by thinking this. I have TRIED and really wanted to like them, BUT I just don't. My apologies to all U2 and Bono lovers everywhere. I'm going to quit before you guys come and burn my house down.
And BONUS! I can't stop watching this Vine video. All my teachers will love this one.
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