Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One Whole Year of Wonderful

I love my son.  I do.  To me, he is the cutest thing that I have ever seen.  He makes me laugh and smile (and sometimes cry and frown) all the time.  He's awesome. I wanted to take a minute to share with you all some of my favorite things about him and what he is up to at 12 months of age.

Oliver has truly never met a stranger.  I know some people say that about their babies, but seriously, the kid loves everyone.  At Bed, Bath, and Beyond last week we were walking around and he saw this sweet older lady and he just toddled right over to her and threw his arms in the air as if to say, "There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!"  She told me she would take him home right then and there.  She can't have him, though.  He's too sweet to give away.

He is a happy baby.  Sure, he has his moments of whining and fussiness (though I'm sure his grandmothers and grandfather would NEVER believe that), but he's just good.  Again, I know a lot of people say that about their babies, but this is really true.  He smiles and waves at everyone.  He doesn't get sad when I leave him at babysitting at the gym (YET...).  He's just super easy-going.  He must get that from his dad.  I'm honestly not sure what we did, but Ben and I pray for all our babies to be as sweet as Oliver. However, we're sure the Lord will throw us some curve balls.  Gotta keep things interesting!

He loves his dog.  He seriously thinks Talulah is his best friend.  He chases her around, grabs her beard, touches her ears, and giggles at the noises she makes ALL. THE. TIME.  I love it.  There is nothing sweeter than watching a little boy love on his dog and I am so excited to see how the relationship between the two of them unfolds.  Talulah has been mighty sweet and patient with her new playmate.  I'm sure she wouldn't have picked him on her own, but I know she's glad to have him around.  It's better than being stuck in a crate all day, am I right?!

He's very inquisitive.  He wants to know about everything.  If he is awake, he is moving.  Whether that is taking all the toys off all the shelves or dumping the puzzles out for the 900th time that day, he is a busy, busy boy.  He loves to climb on everything. He loves being outside (and trying to eat rocks--so far, he has been unsuccessful) and going for rides in his new wagon.  He just sings to himself and is searching the whole time he is riding.  I know...I'll stop with the cuteness.

He's a good eater.  His favorite foods would include bananas, cheese, green beans, cheese, yogurt,  cheese, mangos, cheese, sweet potatoes, and did I mention cheese?  The boy loves cheese.  He really loves any fruit and most veggies.  I have found if there is something he doesn't like, it's generally to do with texture (he is his mother's son, after all).  Like all kids, some days he is an awesome eater and will eat whatever I put in front of him.  Then he decides the next day that it's disgusting and Talulah would really like to eat it instead.  See...loves his dog.

He's a passionate little fella. He loves hard. And he will get his feelings hurt if you take that thing he loves away. He has recently started to cry everytime his Aunt Kellee leaves our house. It's enough to break your heart, I tell you! He also really loves random inanimate objects. Particularly long animate objects: spoons, drumsticks, wands, whatever. He loves to carry them around all day and will have a full on meltdown when you try to take them away. Sorry, baby. Mamas gotta cook.

He loves standing on his head. I don't really feel like that needs explaining and I don't know the why of it, but he does. Sweet little weirdo. 

Most of all, he loves his papa.  I have loved watching Oliver get older because it's so fun to watch him notice things.  When he was 6 months old, he never really noticed when Ben came home.  Now when Ben walks in the door, he stops whatever he is doing, gets up, and runs as fast as his tiny little legs will carry him to greet him at the door.  STOP.  I know, it will melt your heart.  It has been a joy watching Ben love on his son and I can't to see what all his papa will teach him in the years to come.  He is a blessed little boy and we are even more blessed parents to have him in our lives.  Thanks for being you, little boy. 

Back to School, Back to School...

School is back in session.  I know I only have a one year old (what?! more on that later), but this time of year will always hold a special place in my heart. Before I was a mama, I was a 2nd grade teacher.  There's a saying that families breed teachers, and in my family, that is definitely the case.  My mother, sister, several aunts, uncles, and cousins are all educators.  Some elementary, some middle, some high school, but they are there.  Every day.  Giving their time, money, and sanity to a thankless profession with endless demands. 

I miss it sometimes (feel free to have me committed at any time).

Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay at home mom, but around this time of year, I get a little homesick for teaching.  The new folders, pencils, crayons, glue, backpacks, and lunchboxes do something to my heart that I can't explain.  I get this little tug that says, "Are you SURE you did the right thing?"  Of course I know the answer to that, but it doesn't mean I don't miss it.  I miss the stories.  I miss the things that came out of those little mouths, be them kind or not.  I miss their little laughs and their scared faces on the first day.  I miss their hugs and constant words of encouragement (I was ALWAYS beautiful in the eyes of a 2nd grader ;) ).  I miss my colleagues and grown up conversation.  I was blessed to work with some very fun, wonderful, and encouraging women (and few good men ;)) for four sweet years.  They will always hold a special place in my heart and I will always treasure those friendships.  I miss a lot of things, but then I remember...

I remember all the stress and anxiety that comes with teaching.  The money you spend from your own pocket to buy extra supplies and snacks.  All the changes you have to make year after year.  You learn a curriculum, only to have it changed the next year.  I've only been gone a year now and already so much has changed.  Thankfully I have a principal mom and a teacher sister to keep in the loop, but it's crazy, I tell you.  You are constantly at the mercy of someone who hasn't been in a classroom since they were in school but wants to dictate what you must do in order to have a successful year.  I remember calling my mom often my first year, in tears, telling her, "This is NOT what I went to school to do!  I didn't learn how to do ANY of this in college!"  I had a flair for the dramatics, what can I say? ;)  And then I remember my sweet baby boy.  I remember all the things I would be missing and all the time I would not be giving to him and I remember why I made the choice that I did.

Teacher-Mamas, my hat TRULY goes off to you.  I really don't know how you do it.  From loving 20 babies that aren't your own for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, to go home to love on the one baby/babies that belong to you is a task I'm not sure I could do.  I'm sure I would adapt and figure it out, but I applaud you. You are a better woman that me. It is not easy and no one but you knows what you're sacrificing to do the two hardest jobs in the world at the same time.  You are a super star...don't forget it. 

Whenever someone asks me what I do, I always tell them, "Well, I was a teacher, but I'm a stay at home mom now." And my sweet husband always corrects me.  He reminds me often that I am still a teacher. Sure it's not in the traditional sense, but I am teaching my child every day.  I don't get a fun classroom to decorate, but I am responsible for his academic well being until that sweet nugget toddles off to kindergarten (STOP--I am already emotional just thinking about it).  That is a whole new pressure.  It's one thing to be held accountable for the academic success of another person's child, but when it's your own that is a whole new ballgame. 

I am thankful for every moment in the past year I have had with my boy, but that doesn't mean each year when August rolls around, I won't get that same little tug on my heart.  I just have to remind myself, "Once a teacher, always a teacher."